Day Two – 101511287 7-Day, East Coast Edventure
Posted by AE on May 1, 2017 in Tour 101511287 | Comments Off on Day Two – 101511287 7-Day, East Coast Edventure
It’s a beautiful day here on the East Coast and these students are off on a new day of edventuring!
First stop is at the Arlington National Cemetery – honoring those who have served our country.

Walking the grounds of ANC

Students on the audio tour of ANC

Learning more about the Arlington National Cemetery

Taking it all in

St. John’s students looking sharp!

Beautiful smiles from these lovely ladies!

Some quality time with classmates

Ben, Wyatt, Brooklyn & Cassie are representing St. John’s for the Laying of the Wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Receiving instructions for the ceremony

Changing of the Guard

An important role here at ANC

Such precision on the inspection of the new guard

Ready for the Wreath Ceremony

Places everyone!

Walking down the steps

Placing the wreath on the tomb

A view from the side

All done. About face!

And back up the steps. Well done students!

St. John’s wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

At the Arlington Amphitheater

Hello gentlemen!

A view from the top of the hill at Arlington House

Some good mother & son time!

Another happy mother & son!

Ben & his mom too!

Emily & Olivia at the Arlington House

St. John’s students at the JFK Memorial at ANC

Next stop – our Nation’s Capitol

Here come the St. John’s students! Ready to tour the Capitol

Grateful for the freedom we have and the privilege to be an American citizen

Listening to the tour guide on the Capitol Tour

Look up! The dome of the Capitol

Admiring the architecture

Students in Statuary Hall

Everyone listens to the tour guide through personal headphones – it can get loud in the Capitol!

More pictures! Hope everyone has enough space for them all!

Click! Click! Click!

Sofia, Hannah & Natalie at the Library of Congress

Eben, Emily & Morgan at the Library of Congress

Smiles from these gentlemen!

Nearby, the Unites States Supreme Court

St. John’s students outside the Capitol

St. John’s students head to the Smithsonian American History & Natural History Museums

The prized Hope Diamond

Outside the Natural history Museum

President Lincoln’s hat!!
After dinner, the edventure continues for these St. John’s students! An evening Illuminated Monument & Memorial walking tour!

Starting out at the WW2 Memorial

Alex & Nadia at the WW2 Memorial

Students enjoying the view


Marley, Emily & Eben

Ben & his mom

Eben surrounded by lovely ladies!

Nurses Memorial

Visiting the Vietnam Memorial

Students listening to Tour Guide Terry talk about the Vietnam Memorial

The wall at the Vietnam Memorial

Up the steps to the Lincoln Memorial

View from the Lincoln Memorial

Cassie & her mom

A sweet reminder of God’s promises to us!

Next stop – the Jefferson Memorial!

The soldiers at the Korean Memorial

Mrs. VB’s father engraved on the Korean Memorial

Hello from DC!

Washington Monument in the background!

Beautiful! Just beautiful!

Adam & Garret at the Jefferson Memorial

Jefferson himself!

A great night of touring! Now off to bed to rest up for tomorrow! Good night