
Moms Daugthers Cellhouse AlcatrazIsland-1Today’s rapid improvements in technology are providing exciting opportunities and possibilities in the industry of group tours.  American Edventures is leveraging the best of these technologies both in the office and in the field to make your tour experience better than ever.

In the office, we are utilizing advanced Internet Server technologies to make tour information available to our staff, customer leadership, and tour participants through a web browser from any location.  Participants can register online, make online payments, check their account balances, review the most up to date information for their tour, read travel tips, and review a wide variety of helpful reference information.  Teachers and group leaders will be able to login online and review all the pertinent information for their upcoming trip (see our “News” section for updated information).  Our staff members are well connected to groups on tour providing bi-direction coordination of special developments and well informed responses to every situation that may arise.

In the field, we have created special content to take advantage of the benefits of the advanced multi-mediaStudentActivity4-CSI-Museum-Lab-DC-1 displays in the luxury motor coaches we utilize.  When it enhances the quality of the tour, we also utilize compelling interpretive programs on  portable electronic devices.  Both of these new informational means are designed to enhance the tour experience for our participants and stimulate learning.  Tour directors are equipped with portable devices and cell phones giving them ready access to information, resources, and people in order to ensure that every tour need and inquiry is satisfied as rapidly as possible.

We welcome new technologies and the opportunities they bring to captivate and inspire our tour participants.